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TrafficCrusaders Terms and Privacy Policy
Terms of using Traffic Crusader
General Terms

By registering at TrafficCrusader you agree that you have read these terms, understand them, and agree to abide by them.

Unless you received prior permission from TrafficCrusader , you may only register for one TrafficCrusader account.

You may not promote TrafficCrusader in a way that could be considered spamming. You may only promote your referral URL and/or other promotional material in other traffic exchanges or advertising programs that allow it. Promoting TrafficCrusader in a way that could be considered spamming will result in removal of your TrafficCrusader account and possible legal action.

TrafficCrusader strictly prohibits the use of unsolicited mailings of any kind. Any member found to be using Spam tactics will have their account terminated (all referrals, existing credits, commissions, reserve Balance will be forfeited).

Users are completely responsible for the content they promote using TrafficCrusader. Users are responsible for ensuring they have the rights to promote a URL, and any content it contains. TrafficCrusader is not responsible if a user is in violation of another legal agreement, copyright infringement, or any other issues.

URL Rules

Before submitting a URL to TrafficCrusader , please read these rules very carefully and make sure your URL does not violate any of them. If you violate any of these rules, your site will be deleted along with any credits assigned to them. If a member continues to submit such sites, TrafficCrusader also reserves the right to terminate the account of the owner of such sites. In some cases, the members account will be suspended in the first offense.

No sites with illegal activity.
No frame-breaking sites.
No viruses, trojans, or spyware.
No adult content.
No Rotators unless all Ads are from same source website.
No HYIPs or "investment autosurfs". These are illegal in most countries, including the United States.
No sites with offensive Language or sexual content.
No PTP sites, No PTC sites, sites that break frames, contain malware or repeated reports are filed.
No Gambling Sites.
Must be predominately English.
Cannot slow the surf bar down.
If a members site passes the initial site checker but is later found to not comply with our Terms, the site will be suspended and taken out of rotation and in some circumstances the members account will be suspended.

Additionally, websites will NOT be accepted into our network of member sites if they contain the following:

Exit pop-up window.
Your site may not contain fly in ads, or other popups that move on the screen.
Virus or script downloads (including i-frame PPC sites).
Overall content based on a language other than English.
Live Agents sites.

TrafficCrusader has the full right to delete any site that is inappropriate or questionable.

Member Account Terms

Only one account per user or IP address is permitted, unless payment details are different.
You cannot login from two different computers at the same time.
If payments are made from the same payment processing account for different member accounts, your account will deleted and all commissions earned as well. (unless it is a "company" account or prior arrangements have been made).
Upgraded Memberships may only be purchased 1 time in a given month of the same level. If an upgraded membership is obtained and cancelled within 30 days and then a new upgrade purchased within the same month, the monthly page and banner displays associated with said account will be deleted as you have already received them for that month in your original upgrade.
If a member is found to be continuously doing this, then they will not be permitted to re-upgrade again after 30 days. Page and Banner displays associated with upgrades are only applied 1 time a month. Example: You receive your monthly Page and Banner displays at the beginning of the month and then cancel your upgrade. You then Re- upgrade within the same month. You will not receive monthly Page and Banner displays again until the beginning of the following month.

TrafficCrusader is FREE to join.. Any user can remain a free member and continue to use our advertising services for the term of their membership. All members can view other members advertising to earn Ad displays to use towards advertising their own sites. Members may also purchase additional Ad displays to use towards their advertising.

Upgraded members receive additional benefits such as, decreased timer. higher commissions, additional monthly page and banner displays plus commission payments twice monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month, subject to minimum requirements being met.

Any member found to be selling page or banner displays will be suspended.

During referral contests Paid to Join sites may not be used.

TrafficCrusader reserves the right to terminate a member's account if no activity has occurred for 30 days, even if Ad displays have been assigned to Sites, Banners or Square Banners. Any existing page or banner displays or referrals in said account will be forfeited. Activity means, no logging in.

Members may cancel their TrafficCrusader membership at any time. All existing referrals and/or page/ banner displays and future earning potential through our affiliate program will be forfeited at the time of cancellation.

TrafficCrusader reserves the right to terminate a members account at any time without warning if found to be not following these Terms.  Additionally, a members account will be suspended without prior warning if he/she uses offensive language, racial slurs or rudeness towards any user of TrafficCrusader and staff member. This is INCLUSIVE of them having such a history on other Traffic Exchange sites as well. TrafficCrusader is not required to disclose when and where such information has been received from.

Members found to be cheating in any way on TrafficCrusader or if they have a history of such activity in the Traffic Exchange industry will also be suspended without warning. Any existing page/banner displays, referrals and/or commissions in said account will be forfeited.

TrafficCrusader, as well as its administrators, partners, cannot be held responsible or liable for any damage or loss of information that may occur as a result of using our services. Members agree to use said services at their own risk.

Your usage session must be a full browser window. Any software found to be minimizing the browsers will be cause for immediate termination of the account. This is a traffic exchange, the basic concept of this is to co-operate with other viewers. Please do not use or endorse this kind of cheat software. Please view your sites in full browser windows!

OTO offers and membership offers stating FOR LIFE, are the life of TrafficCrusader running on a regular basis without incurring additional losses due to the lack of usage by members, not the life of the member taking up the offer advertised.

Any member taking up such Life Time offers found in breach of the rules and regulations, may have their accounts suspended or deleted.

No refunds will be provided if for some unknown circumstance, TrafficCrusader is unable to provide a continued quality of service to its members.


We at TrafficCrusader will never rent, sell, trade, or otherwise share your personal information with anyone at any time unless required by law to do so.

At TrafficCrusader , we have the right to pass on ONLY your email address and name to your Upline, for them to contact you using the inbuilt contact downline area.

Any reports of spamming or continuous emailing from your upline, should be reported using the online Support, for action to be taken by TrafficCrusader.

As a member, you agree to receive discount offers, promotions and informative updates from TrafficCrusader to your email address on record.  Each email you receive provides a link to unsubscribe to these emails. Additionally, there is a box to uncheck at the bottom of your “Edit Profile” page.

If we receive spam emails or auto responder emails from your email account or any email account associated with you, we will suspend your account here at TrafficCrusader.

Any financial information you provide is strictly for the purpose of payments to you for commissions earnt or competition prizes.  All credit card and bank information are stored at the 3rd party institution that is providing the transactions who we use.

TrafficCrusader is in no way associated with any of the payment processors and merely uses them to process payments for such things as membership fees, page, banner, square banner display bundles for allocation, and SPECIAL Offers.

Members have the right to cancel their TrafficCrusader membership at any time. All existing referrals and/or page views and future earning potential through our affiliate program will be forfeited at the time of cancellation.

Members are responsible for any and all aspects of reporting their own affiliate income (for tax purposes, etc.)

Due to the nature of Traffic Exchange sites, no refunds will be issued.

TrafficCrusader reserves the right to change, alter, or add to these Rules and Regulations as well as discontinue our services at any time. These rules are the terms and conditions of membership. By opening an account and by using our service, you agree to be bound by them.

Member Agreement

By clicking the Submit button you confirm that you have thoroughly read and understand the Rules and Regulations at TrafficCrusader . You acknowledge that by signing up for a free account or purchasing a TrafficCrusader membership you are automatically agreeing to the Rules and Regulations.

By continuing to use the services provided by TrafficCrusader , you agree to all if any changes since becoming a member.

These details are always on display for viewing and members are informed of any changes via email, so -please add support@trafficcrusader.com to your trusted/safe email browsing system.